Personal Leadership Blog, Part Three
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Currently, I’m taking EDL/500 through the University of Phoenix. This is the third blog entry that serves as a type of reflection journal for class.

The power dynamic at Thurmont Middle School is split within two distinctive categories.

First, the group that is perhaps closest to the ground level of student growth, are the teachers. At TMS, teachers are divided into grade level teams for years six, seven, and eight. Within those teams are grade level counterparts who work each week in organized Professional Learning Community meetings. In these meetings, the grade level core subject teachers review student assessments and make data-driven decisions about instruction. In some cases, tutoring is needed for students. In others, re-teaching in the classroom may be an option as well. It is through these PLC meetings where progress is charted weekly. Also, curricular planning is mentioned in order to “stay on track” with one another. Text discussion and extension activities are also planned.

Personal Leadership Blog, Part Two
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Currently, I’m taking EDL/500 through the University of Phoenix. This is the second blog entry that serves as a type of reflection journal for class.

Strength-based leadership is a forward-thinking approach to problem-solving as well as master teaching in the school environment. In my experience, this kind of leadership implementation takes on a type of specialization that should be more prevalent in the professional education setting. School and site-based leadership are not that unlike working on a project. Roles for a project are given and the task is carried out. In many ways, per the successful completion of each task and component, each member becomes a type of expert relative to each project component.

Personal Leadership Blog, Part One
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Currently, I’m taking EDL/500 through the University of Phoenix. This and the next few blog entries will serve as a type of reflection journal for class.

As a start to the long trail ahead of me to attain my Master’s Degree in Teacher Leadership, I am truly looking forward to the journey ahead. It will be one of intellectual and personal growth. In the classroom, I feel as though I’ve come into my own, have found my voice, and continue to make meaningful lessons and activities. But, I also think there is certainly a lot left to learn.

My New Website Launches
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Over the past two and a half years, I have been steadily working toward the completion of writing two young adult novels. As this web site goes live, I am very happy to announce that Folks - Book One: History Repeats Itself is now available in print. Additionally, Positive Disintegration will be available in the Spring of 2012.

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Folks - Book One: History Repeats Itself