Storyboard Reflection - Blog Post #2
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Evaluate how you applied research-based guidelines to your lesson and how these guidelines enhance learning.

My storyboard on “Updating Class Web Sites for 21st Century Learners” may seem to be have standardized information for use in e-learning. However, upon careful inspection, the storyboard actually follows several research-based guidelines that enhance learning.

On a purely aesthetic level, my storyboard is easy on the eyes. That is to say that it is not visually distracting or overbearing when it comes to the discrete integration of text and graphics. Much of this knowledge came from the principles I learned while working on newspaper layout in my formative years as a fledgling journalist. But, the motivating principles of this really came from our class’ text, E-Learning and the science of instruction. In the text, the Multimedia Principle and the Contiguity Principle were discussed. I applied both of these in the storyboard.

The Multimedia Principle basically asks the creator to integrate text and graphics in as seamless a way as possible. In my storyboard, I was able to do this three times for the hyperlinks, photo galleries, and social media sections as my worked examples. In each section I had a procedure for the learner to follow. Each text-based instruction was complimented with a screen capture of a specific segment mentioned in the instruction. This use of text and graphics fit into the aspect of “Using a Procedure” for the Multimedia Principle. Additionally, I was able to have a brainstorming catalog listed as each aspect was introduced. This created a well-organized “Use of Content Types” for listing important concepts and groups as well. This enhanced learning because the visual and spatial aspects of the course were not only well-defined, but they were congruent with theory. In other words, because I followed the guidelines of good aesthetics for e-learning, the learner should be able to easily navigate and understand the core concepts with the addition of graphic elements.

With regard to the Contiguity Principle, My text and graphics were close in proximity. They followed proximal directions. Since this was also embedded with information, learning is enhanced because learners could gain visual support to their newly learned content.


Folks - Book One: History Repeats Itself