Storyboard Reflection - Blog Post #3
Monday, February 25, 2013

Describe where simulations or games might be appropriate to use to enhance learning in your lesson.

I always appreciate the use of games in the classroom. In fact, among students who have had me as a teacher, it is fair to say that I am well known for gaming in the classroom. Regarding my own curriculum, I created many games that serve as review games. What I’ll do is create a PowerPoint or ActivInspire activity that mimics a class game show such as Jeopardy! or Wheel of Fortune. I’ll them “plug in” our course content and backmap in such a way that would have students apply knowledge from class into the parameters and rules of the gameshow.

I will tell you, though, and I have really thought this through. For all of the dozen or so games I have created for my classes, I had a really difficult time in brainstorming one for this e-learning storyboard.

Storyboard Reflection - Blog Post #2
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Evaluate how you applied research-based guidelines to your lesson and how these guidelines enhance learning.

My storyboard on “Updating Class Web Sites for 21st Century Learners” may seem to be have standardized information for use in e-learning. However, upon careful inspection, the storyboard actually follows several research-based guidelines that enhance learning.

On a purely aesthetic level, my storyboard is easy on the eyes. That is to say that it is not visually distracting or overbearing when it comes to the discrete integration of text and graphics. Much of this knowledge came from the principles I learned while working on newspaper layout in my formative years as a fledgling journalist. But, the motivating principles of this really came from our class’ text, E-Learning and the science of instruction. In the text, the Multimedia Principle and the Contiguity Principle were discussed. I applied both of these in the storyboard.

Storyboard Reflection - Blog Post #1
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Explain the e-learning principles your lesson includes and how they promote critical thinking skills.

My storyboard centered around the concept of “Updating Class Web Sites for 21st Century Learners.” This miniature online course offered technology-savvy teachers an opportunity to add clustered hyperlinks and organized photo galleries to their class web site as well as integrate social media into their classroom’s web presence. This storyboard incorporated all of the pillars of e-learning into its instructional message for learners.

Firstly, the storyboard included a significant amount of pre-training. On all three counts, the hyperlinks, photo galleries, and social media, the learners were given visual examples along with lengthy explanations. After carefully reviewing the material, learners were to then brainstorm ways in which to incorporate all of these into their existing class web site. Later on in the storyboard, a differentiated assignment was given that had the learner create and publish one of these three activities that actually utilized the skill they just learned.

Personal Leadership Blog, Part 5
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Currently, I’m taking EDL/500 through the University of Phoenix. This is the fifth blog entry that serves as a type of reflection journal for class.

Distributive leadership is a type of decision-sharing management style that bucks the traditional principal-takes-all approach to school governance. To that degree, this philosophy of leadership exists within different leadership teams and departments within Thurmont Middle School.

Personal Leadership Blog, Part 4
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Currently, I’m taking EDL/500 through the University of Phoenix. This is the fourth blog entry that serves as a type of reflection journal for class.

Of the major leadership theories discussed in class, I would have to categorize myself into the participative leadership theory category. To explain this, the theory comes down to the tenant that the opinions and thoughts of others should be considered during decision-making. I think this is best seen in the classroom. During weekly planning and daily lessons, teachers adjust the pace of a lesson, the flow of information, and the level of content depth based on student feedback. It would be wrong to move forward without proficient understanding. So, a teacher circles back and reteaches as needed. I think this is a good analogy to use with leadership. Although 100% consensus if difficult to achieve, a good teacher leader will strive to find common ground with co-workers and students to accomplish a task or goal. This kind of participatory inclusion is very much needed in the educational setting. It allows teachers and other stakeholders to have a hand in the decision-making process.

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Folks - Book One: History Repeats Itself